Saturday, September 29, 2012

Top 5 Weirdest Taxes

5. Flush tax
 You pee, you poo, you pay. In 2004, the Maryland Legislature took a major step towards protecting the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, when it passed what has become known as “the flush tax”.
The bill established the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration Fund to be supported by a $2.50 a month fee on sewer bills and an equivalent $30 annual fee on septic system owners. Utilities customers saw a new line item on their quarterly bills beginning January 1, 2005 for $7.50 per quarter
($2.50 per month). These funds are collected by the County and turned over to the State who distributes the funds to utilities to upgrade wastewater treatment plants to reduce nitrogen discharge which causes algae blooms that harm fish, crabs, native plants and other aquatic life. The revenues from septic tank users are used to upgrade or replace failing septic systems and to provide financial assistance to farmers to help plant cover crops to prevent nutrient runoff from agricultural land.

Top 5 Most Stupid Talents

5. The man who can get kicked in the crotch without injuring himself
 Yong Hsueh, a Shaolin monk, appeared on the Chinese version of Britain’s Got Talent to demonstrate his ability to get kicked in the crotch without suffering injury. He told the audience: “Steel crotch Kongfu is an ancient art, with roots stretching back to ancient China. “It’s a practice to strengthen and protect the male genital organs so there is less chance they are injured or incapacitated in battle.”
Cross legged male members of the audience watched in shock as various members of the panel were invited to boot the monk – who simply bowed and smiled after each blow – between the legs. The monk said this skill could only be learned by a student that started in childhood – and it involves pushing the testicles into the body where they could not be hurt.

Top 5 Craziest Green Ideas

5. Hotel offers free meal to guests who are willing to generate electricity

The Crown Plaza Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark, is offering a free meal to any guest who is able to produce electricity for the hotel on an exercise bike attached to a generator. Guests will have to produce at least 10 watt hours of electricity – roughly 15 minutes of cycling for someone of average fitness. They will then be given meal vouchers worth $36 (26 euros).

Top 5 Psychotic Girlfriends

5. Mia Landingham: the 300 lb woman who killed her boyfriend by sitting on him

 The details are shocking and hard to believe, but a woman — who was believed to weigh around 300 lbs. at the time — sat on her 120 lb. boyfriend, Mikal Middleton-Bey and killed him. It happened during an altercation between the couple, who share three children together. According to her defender, there was a long history of domestic abuse between his client and her late boyfriend. He also pointed out she has no prior criminal record. She did told the judge she was sorry for squashing the father of her children. “I just want to say that I am sincerely sorry about this situation… I wish I could take it back.” The judge sentenced her to three years’ probation and 100 hours community service and she was immediately released from jail. While Middleton-Bey’s family hoped Landingham would eventually be able to take part in her children’s lives, they were surprised that she got no additional jail time.

Top 5 Weirdest Rugs

5. Human Skin Rug
The Chrissy Skin Rug resembles an animal fur rug (or a slaughtered blow-up doll) and has a personal connection with the artist, Chrissy Conant. Yes, this is a very controversial piece of art, but why should bears get the only attention in living rooms?

Top 5 Most Disgusting Things Found In Food

5. Dead mouse found in a Curry Sauce
When Cate Barrett bought a jar of tikka masala sauce from her local Asda store, she was expecting it to contain a bit of a kick. But what she wasn’t expecting to find was the dead mouse which had somehow ended up in the jar – along with the rest of her favorite sauce. The nursery worker had begun making dinner for herself and her boyfriend, Nigel, when she poured the sauce into the pan, and noticed it was a little lumpy. As she began stirring the sauce through, she noticed what looked like whiskers and a tail – and immediately knew it was a dead rodent. The couple took the dead animal and the jar of Asda Extra Special sauce back to the shop where a manager apologized and said it would be sent for examination.
4. Oven glove found in Hovis loaf

Top 5 Of The Weirdest Hobbies

5. Playing dead

Chuck Lamb, 47 aka The Dead Body Guy probably has the world’s strangest hobby: he likes to play dead. As if that’s not enough, he takes it one step further: he takes photos and videos of himself playing dead and posts them on his website, starting in 2005. These bizarre antics have attracted 32 million hits to his website by its 1st anniversary, and several newsprint, TV and radio appearances. But what is his motivation? In his website, he says that he’d always dreamed of being in a movie or on TV. Well, that seems to be a pretty bizarre hobby for a married man with 6 kids. He himself admitted that he has no acting experience and he’s not good looking. In other words, he’d never make it as an actor.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fossils Of “Extinct” Technology

Everybody is used to see old dinosaur bones like fossils, but have you ever seen a joystick in that form? Christopher Locke wanted to show how today’s technology has improved so that “old” technology like cassettes, Nintendo and floppy disks are almost extinct. Today you can hardly find a computer that supports floppy disks, and have you seen a cassette in the music shops lately? Every piece of technology is changing so fast that it’s hard to keep updated. Every year there are thousands of new products out on the market.

Playing With Electricity Thanks To Nikola Tesla

Most people have heard about the legend and genius Nikola Tesla. Some of the things he invented were X-ray, the radio, microwave oven, electron microscope, neon lights, speedometer, and he was the first to design the hydro-electric power plant in Niagara Falls. A lot of his inventions were unfortunately credited by others, and his biggest competitor Thomas Edison did everything to erase him from the history books. The ideas that Tesla came up with became to a point so extreme that people laughed at his theories and called him a lunatic. Thanks to this “crazy scientist” people are doing weird stuff with electricity because of his inventions.

Being Drunk Is The Same As Doing Yoga?

Yoga is known as a relaxing physical and mental discipline that originates from India. It is all about the Yoga positions that improves the body’s flexibility and vitality. Some people can stay in one positions for hours, especially the famous sitting- meditation position, or the Lotus pose that is quite complicated if you are not the soft type. Anyway, recently there have been discovered that these Yoga positions are a lot like drunken positions. Why bother go to Yoga classes when you can get all of that for free by being really drunk. Take a look!?
 Savasana: total relaxation.

Ear tattoos

There are a variety of tattoo designs available for any part of the body. Some people may prefer to have their ears tattooed. However, there are many pros and cons of having your ears tattooed.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Top 5 Men Who Were Really Women

5. Denis Smith
Denis Smith (Born Dorothy Lawrence) was an English reporter who disguised herself as a man to go undercover during World War I. Dorothy, 19, was living in Paris and wanted to be a war reporter – 
--> something that was impossible due to her sex, and the difficulty that even males were having at the time getting to the front lines as journalists. She persuaded two young English soldiers to give her a uniform; she had her hair cut short in a military style, and colored her skin with diluted furniture polish to give it a bronzed look. With forged identity papers as Private Denis Smith of the 1st Bn, Leicestershire Regiment, she cycled
to the Somme – and the front lines. A friend found her work as a Sapper with the British Expeditionary Force – laying mines under constant fire. He also found her an abandoned cottage to sleep in at night. After 10 days, she became worried that if her sex were discovered, the men who had helped her would be in danger. She presented herself to the company chiefs and was placed under arrest. She was interrogated as a spy and declared a prisoner of war. The military were concerned that if her story got out, other women would try to enter the army in disguise. Dorothy was compelled to sign an affidavit that she would not tell her story. When she returned to London she was unable to work due to the affidavit. When the war ended she wrote her story but the war office censored it and it would not come out until many years later. In 1925, Dorothy was institutionalized as insane and she died at Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum in 1964.

Top 5 Craziest Watches

5. Iron Samurai Watch
The Iron Samurai watch, a spectacularly ugly bracelet-style watch made from “Samurai sword carbonized steel folded 1000x over,” is available from Chinavision for a questionable $15. The watch hides red LEDs inside the pattern of the bracelet, which is kind of cool in theory but dorktacular in practice. It also comes with one of the weirdest/funniest product descriptions I’ve ever seen:
The Iron Samurai has been known to increase its wearers’ strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma by as much as 20 points each! Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal are said to be Iron Samurai owners, as is David Bowie and Brian Eno. In reality, this watch is perfect for Presidential dinner crashers, Facebook celebs with over 1000 fans, Youtube directors with over 2,000,000 views, anyone who can play the entirety of Neil Zaza’s I’m Alright on electric guitar, iPhone 3Gs owners, or anybody who is a somebody.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

She Draws A Picture With Her Breasts

What people do not just paint and a member of, and feet and mouth. And this girl Victoria draws a picture of her remarkable breasts. Watch and admire.

Top 10 Types Of Men Women Need To Stay Away From

10. Men Who Are Always Pissing On Everything:
You know the type; for him nothing you do is good enough. You’re too stupid, you’re too fat, you’re too mouthy. Well, the truth is the guy is an idiot trained from birth from his Neanderthal dad to piss all over you and everything you do. Avoid him like you would a pounding headache.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Craziest Condoms Ever

 Research tells that if you do not have the right condom you are not going to enjoy the act of making love with your partner no matter how hard you try. Let’s check out these craziest condoms. At least these are absolutely unusual for me.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Top 5 Dumbest Criminals

5. The Robber who tried to rob a bank that had already closed
 A bank robber was arrested in Liberty, Pennsylvania, USA, after police said he tried to rob a bank that had already closed for the afternoon. Christopher Allen Koch, 28, arrived at Citizens & Northern Bank around 11.40am and sat inside his car in the bank’s parking lot for 20 minutes. But Koch had not read the opening hours, posted on the bank’s door and the bank closed at noon. He tried to enter the bank at 12.01 pm – a minute too late. He was wearing ski mask and gloves and had a gun. Employees inside spotted Koch and got a license plate number that led police to him. Koch was charged with criminal attempted robbery and possessing instruments of a crime.

4. The Robber who decided to burglarize a house full of karate blackbelts
 Manizales, Colombia may not sound like a capital of karate, but the Pan-American karate champion Cristian Garces happens to live there, along with her instructors and fellow karate-peeps. So when a burglar decided to invade his house in 2008 while every single one of Manizales most bad-ass appendage launchers was present, they sprung into action and beat the shit out of him before he could scream “Auxilio!”
The thief already had a bag and a laptop computer, two digital cameras and other items of value that he left behind before attempting to flee but was apprehended by residents until police arrived. “I don’t think the thief was eager to continue robbing here, he was very scared,” said Garces.
3. The Robber who tried to fool police by playing dead at a funeral home
 On 2008, a burglar broke into a funeral home in Burjassot, a small town just outside Valencia and tried to fool police by playing dead, but two things gave him away. First, he breathed. Second, he wore grungy clothes rather than the Sunday best of those settling in for eternal rest.
Neighbors living nearby alerted police when they heard the front door of the business being forced open in the middle of the night Police officers arrived with the owner, and eventually found the suspect lying on a table in a glassed-in chamber used for viewings of deceased people during wakes. The suspect’s name was not released. Police said he had served jail time in the past for robbery.
2. The Robber who called to check if there was money in the cash register before the crime
 On 2008, police charged Daniel Glen, 40, with robbing a convenience store in Windsor, Ontario, after he called ahead to ask the clerk how much money was in the cash register before showing up. The clerk alerted police, who arrested Glen nearby. Canwest News Service reported Glen was a suspect in two similar incidents where the thief called ahead to make sure the clerk had the money bagged and ready for him.
1. The Burglar who wrote his own name on the crime scene
An 18-year-old burglar who vandalized a children’s campsite building was caught because he wrote his name on a wall at the scene, a court has heard. Peter Addison, of Heaton Mersey, Stockport, and his friend Mark Ridgeway of Poynton, Cheshire, smashed crockery and let off fire extinguishers. There are some pretty stupid criminals around, but to leave your own name at the scene of the crime takes the biscuit. Apart from writing his own name in black marker pen at the Toc H centre in Adlington, Cheshire, Addison also left his gang’s name on the wall, “The Adlington Massiv!”.

World’s Largest Spider Web Ever Spun

If you suffer from arachnophobia this probably is not the place for you. You had better stay away from this former stock exchange building in Vienna where you might get entangled in the world’s largest spider web ever spun.
You might, however, be surprised to know that this giant spider web has not been spun by any spider. It is the handiwork of humans like us. Amazing, yet very true. The idea behind the construction of the whole structure was a dance performance. The web form evolves from the movement of dancers between the pillars. The dancers stretch the tape as they move, resulting in the formation of the web like creation. The choreography recording results in the final shape.
 The spider web formation has been given shape by the designing firm known as numen/for use. The efforts of three people spread over a period of five days resulted in the creation of this awe-inspiring piece of work. In a period of 120 hours, 270 rolls of adhesive tape were used which measured 14480 meters and weighed 30 kilograms.

 Giving shape to a structure as magnificent as this was not an easy task. Rolls and rolls of adhesive tape were wound around the various pillars of the hall to create the basic structure. Over this basic structure, additional rolls of tape were wound over and over again giving it the final shape. Hanging in mid air, the structure is so strong that is could easily support an average tree house.

 The strength of this massive spider web is not difficult to believe based on the fact that adhesive tape is the only material used in its creation. Adhesive tapes have a pressure sensitive material coated on a plastic film. These tapes are normally resistant to weathering, sunlight, aging and have withstood  numerous strength tests over time. When such tapes are laid layer upon layer, the weight bearing capacity increases massively. This is exactly what has happened here.

 The hollow routes created inside the web can comfortably allow people to walk or crawl through them. Enter the world of a spider. For the first time in the history of man,  someone will be able to enter a spider web, walk through it and come out unharmed. Or shall we say, emerge with a whole new experience. This is a must see for all who can make it to the venue. For those who cannot, do make it a point to view the pictures. One cannot afford to miss something as wonderful as this.

Top 10 Things To Never Say To Your Boss

In your career, you will inevitably end up saying some dumb or regrettable things to your boss. We all do it to varying degrees at one time or another. The following list of such things is by no means exhaustive, but if you can avoid saying them, you will be doing yourself, your professional persona and your boss a tremendous service.
So, keep these top 10 things to never say to your boss in mind the next time you’re chatting him up by the watercooler.

No.10 “Impossible – that can’t be done.”

This is the kind of shortsighted thinking no boss wants to hear about. It suggests both indifference and a lack of effort. Unless you follow it up with a solution or an alternative, it’s neither proactive nor even helpful to say such a thing.
No.9 “This is the best they could do, huh?”
Whether said in response to new office phones, computers or the banquet hall at a family-style restaurant rented for a Christmas party, this is one of those smart-ass comments that indicates to your boss and to others that you have a deluded sense of entitlement. It also belittles the efforts someone — possibly your boss or even his boss — has made.
No.8 “That’s not my problem.”
Be that as it may, this presupposes the existence of a problem and, more than likely, a frustrated boss or coworker in need of some assistance. At the very least, your boss is looking for someone to take responsibility of the solution to this problem — even if it wasn’t yours to begin with. That means he already knows it’s not your problem, so you can spare him the reminder.
No.7 “That isn’t in my job description.”
In one of the many great courtroom scenes in A Few Good Men, Tom Cruise asks a witness to point out where in the U.S. Marines manual the mess hall is indicated. Naturally it isn’t in there. The point is, a lot of things aren’t detailed in your job description, including e-mailing your friends from work or surfing the web, but you probably do those things anyways, right? So when the boss asks you to do something a little out of the ordinary, don’t take offense, and never say to your boss that it’s not in your job description to do it.
No.6 “Does it really matter if I get this finished?”
A strictly educational environment might promote the idea that there is no such thing as a dumb question, but this isn’t true at the office. To know the difference a good question to ask yourself is: “Will this question waste someone’s time?” No boss wants you to spend an hour doing a project incorrectly, but asking about the relevance of a project is time-wasting and insulting to both of you.

No.5 “That’s a no-brainer.”
As a tired cliché, this statement is offensive enough; however, delivered with just the right patronizing tone, it becomes an insult. Your boss doesn’t hear “no-brainer” as much as he hears, “The answer is obvious — how dumb are you?”
No.4 “We should totally hook up on Facebook.”
No, you shouldn’t. Ever. Your boss knows this and he might be a little disappointed that you don’t. Extending a request like this puts him in an uncomfortable position. He may be too nice to say no, or foolish enough to say yes. Either way, social interactions with your boss should, almost without question, be discouraged. We don’t mean you can’t mingle with him at office parties, but try not to plan weekend getaways with him and his family anytime soon.
No.3 “I got so trashed last night…”
You might just be jawing over the prior evening, but to your boss this could be a hint that you plan to be especially unproductive that day. It might also inform him that you have difficulty keeping your work and private lives separate and that you don’t have much discretion at all. This, in turn, can be a signal that you shouldn’t be trusted with additional responsibilities.
No.2 “I don’t get paid enough for this.”
Ninety-nine percent of the time you’ll be wrong when you say this. Furthermore, such a statement packs so many ready-made responses. Most potent among them might be, “Then quit, and fulfill your great untapped potential elsewhere.” All told, this kind of statement serves no other purpose but to b*tch and complain — which you do not want to do in front of, to or around your boss. Save it for people who might actually think you’re right, like your mother.
No.1 “Sigh”
The passive aggression and frustrating ambiguity of a sigh are what land it at the No. 1 spot. It can be delivered in response to the full range of requests from your boss, and it seems sufficiently open to interpretation to allow you to deny even having sighed at all.
But this is as true to you as it is absurd to your boss. We all know very well what a sigh means: It’s the official theme song of being annoyed and the national anthem of imposition.

10 Most Weird And Crazy Dresses

With fashion, the sky is the limit. A design or concept is only unusual or weird till it catches on and becomes part of the ongoing fashion. Still, some designs are made for the sole purpose of proving a point – the following dresses for instance. Now, these dresses may be outrageous but they are works of art nonetheless. One has to appreciate the ideas behind each of these dresses and the finesse behind the subsequent implementation.
Cream Puff Dress

 Ukrainian Chef Valentyn Shtefano created this 20-pound sweet (literally) dress for his fiancé. The dress took 1,500 cream puffs and 2 months to put together.
Hamburger Dress
This scrumptious looking dress is the work of artist Joy Kampia. The dress might not be one to be worn to a thanksgiving dinner but it can definitely serve as the attire fast food restaurant waitresses.
Wooden Dress

Winner of the Uncommon Threads Wearable Art Fashion Show in Baton Rouge, Grace Johnston’s Wooden Dress has a corset made from laminated wood and a skirt made out of bent wood. But that’s not all. The dress can curtsy. Rings on either side of the dress can be pulled to make the skirt rise.
Paper Dresses

Designed by Alexandra Zaharova and Ilya Plotnikov, these dresses are made entirely out of paper. When wearing these on a cloudy day, don’t forget to take an umbrella along! 
Ms. Homeland Security: Illegal Entry Dress Tent

 This combination of wit and art is the work of Robin Lasser and Adrienne Pao.
Vertical Garden Dress
 Designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier, this exotic dress transforms the wearer into a walking vertical garden.
The Bubelle Dress (Emotion-sensing Dress)
 Even clothes are slowly succumbing to the technology craze. Philips’ emotion-sensing dress comprises two layers, the inner one of which serves to sense the mood of the wearer via various physical changes while the outer one changes its color in accordance.
Video Dress
 Presented at the Milan Design Fair, Turkish designer Hussein Cahalayan’s video dress, courtesy of 15,000 blinking LEDs, presents an attractive light show with the image of a flower opening and closing in the foreground.
Birdcage Dress

The Birdcage Dress by Kasey McMahon is a “a flattering and practical dress that doubles as a functional bird cage”. The cage itself is made out of wrangled brass.
Skittles Wrapper Dress
Designed by Li Xiaofeng, this unusual dress has been made from several pieces of blue and white porcelain from the Ming and Qing Dynasty sewn together using silver thread.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The 10 Best Ways To Approach Women

1. Be Eye-Catchingly Honest
Remember George Costanza’s approach in Seinfeld: “My name is George. I’m unemployed and live with my parents.” Hey, it worked for him. So why not try being straight with women? Tell them you’re not much of a player. David Wells, 31, confirms, “When I was younger, I made the mistake of thinking I had to act suave,” he says. But since then, he’s upfront about the fact that he’s shy. “A lot of women think it’s charming!” he says.
 As a guy, you’ve probably heard more than an earful of advice on how to bust out of your timid shell and engage women in witty repartee. Sure, these gregarious mentors may mean well, but they often forget that it’s not easy to change who you are. Think of it in basketball terms. If your team lacks height, you don’t repeatedly try to go inside. No, you use your speed, passing and outside shooting to beat the competition. Same goes with dating: play up your strengths, and you’ll improve your odds of romantic success. Here’s how to do just that.

2. Ask for Help
Damsels in distress have been doing this for years; there’s no reason guys can’t take advantage of women’s desire to swoop in and save the day, too. Just be sure to pick a topic on which women will feel they can offer some assistance. You’ll rarely go wrong seeking style advice (“Excuse me, but I need a woman’s opinion on this jacket. Is it a keeper, or should it never leave my closet again?”) or relationships (“Hey, my pal and I need a woman’s perspective on how long a guy should wait before calling after a date. What’s your opinion?”). Asking for advice will ease the pressure of it feeling like a pick-up line.
3. Choose Your Venue Wisely
It’s much easier to meet and talk to women in places where there’s something to talk about. That’s why shy guys may be better off skipping your typical nightclub or café and attending a place with conversation-worthy 
surroundings, like an art gallery or charity function. “Did you enter the silent auction?” “What do you think about that painting?” Your icebreakers are already built-in by the scenario. Plus, you’re not some random guy. You’re “a guy at this event,” which will allay her defenses and work in your favor.
4. Just Add a Question Mark
You’re starting to get to know this woman and suddenly you can’t think of what to say. Here’s an easy solution: simply repeat the last notable thing she said and place a question mark after it. “Oh, you work as a female professional wrestler; what’s it like?” Bingo!

5. Bring Your Best Wingman
There are guys who can help you meet women… and there are guys who will do the exact opposite. Go out to the clubs or wherever with the former. If he’s married, that can be even better. Married guys are not competition, and they prove you have responsible friends.

 6. Let Others do Your Dirty Work
Can’t bring yourself to move your feet in her direction, smile, and say hello? Enlist someone else to do the ice-breaking honors for you. Ask a waiter, bartender, or your wingman pal to approach the woman to deliver a drink or a compliment like, “My friend thinks you’re cute. Care to join us?”

 7. Utilize Today’s Technology to Air Your Opinions
If talking face-to-face doesn’t show you at your best, go ahead and lean on all that technology has to offer. A thoughtful, well-crafted email can convince a woman that you have plenty to say even if you didn’t chat non-stop in person. For bonus points, refer to something she mentioned during your last date by saying, “I’ve given more thought to the conversation we had about your sister, and something else came to mind that I thought might be useful…” Then let those typed words weave their magic.

 8. Take an Acting or Improv Class
First encounters are very similar to auditions. She plays her role; you play yours. And the more comfortable and capable you are, the better you’ll be during this encounter. As Alex Fendrich, an actor at Chicago’s Second City, puts it: “Improv helps you get used to making an idiot of yourself.” In other words, it is perfect for practicing your flirting routine.
 9. Listen Attentively
What a novel concept this is! Instead of focusing on “What am I going to say next?” or “How am I going to make her laugh?” just pay attention to what she’s talking about, and chances are good that you’ll come up with a relevant response.
10. Seek out the Yin to Your Yang
If you’re not much of a talker, someone who yaks up a storm may well love spending time with you. You know the old “opposites attract” adage. And how Katy Perry crooned about her “missing puzzle piece.” Be her best audience ever, and trust us, she’ll keep coming back for more.